Hazelwood neckalces

July 19, 2011

A dear friend of mine has a Hazelwood neckalce giveaway going on right now on her blog. Please check it out! http://wigglesthengiggles.blogspot.com/2011/07/hazelwood-giveaway.html?showComment=1311085485249#c3211595665739289984

We all wear hazelwood in my home. Jeff, Kaden, Ariana and I. They are amazing and have made a big difference in our lives. Pain relief, eczema relief, helping with teething pain for Ariana, and they have helped with headaches for me.  They are totally worth the $20.00.


Feeling Blessed

March 26, 2011

Friday was a really hard day for me. Kaden decided it would be another one of his days where he tests every rule/boundary we have.  And Ariana has been very crabby from teething.  By the time it was 6pm.  I had very little strength and energy left. I asked Jeff to call our babysitter Jenny to see if she would be free to watch the kids at all on Saturday morning.  Thankfully she said yes. Saturday morning came along and I got a call from a friend saying lets go running. It was a great way to start out the day running together in Gods creation, and praying for our neighborhood.
I then got a text from Jenny – she is sick.  I was sad, but its not like we can control getting sick.  I mean if we could our family would not have been sick weeks on end at the beginning of this year.
We then called our friends Daniel and Bethany to see if they could watch the kids for a couple of hours, with a 20 min notice they said yes.  So thankful!! Jeff and I were able to get our for a brunch and just talk with no interruptions. It was such a blessing.
I then got home and another friend dropped off a pack N play for Ariana. We are going to be having a visitor Sunday night and then my mom will be here for a week soon. (Ariana still gets up at night to eat so we will be in the living room and our guests will be in our room with Kaden)
As I sit down and think about how this morning played out I can’t help, but be so thankful for the people God has placed in our lives!!

win 3 Crawler covers

November 30, 2010

Check out my friends blog where you can enter to win 3 crawler covers. http://www.cavanjenleah.blogspot.com/

MonkiSee MonkiDoo

November 2, 2010

A friend of mine has a give-a-way for MonkiSee MonkiDoo DVD’s on her blog. It is a DVD to help your little one learn about his or her body parts, shapes, colors and more. Sounds great for Kaden and Ariana. Check out her blog if you would like http://cavanjenleah.blogspot.com


Kaden has been potty training for just about 3 weeks. He will sleep dry most nights. (In 3 weeks only woke up wet 3 times) But during the day has been some what of a struggle.  We have kept him in diapers when we are out and he will hold his pee. Really we maybe go through 5 diapers a week and that’s only because he finally poops in them.  But when I change over to underwear (at home) he will wet them more than he does his diaper.  I am trying to understand why he thinks its ok to pee or poop in the underwear, but not the diaper.  Has anyone else had this struggle or have any ideas? I would like to call his doctors office and ask them for advice, but they said not to even think about potty training until after 2. Why would I wait until after 2 when he can do it now and has the interest?

What is everyone else out there running into when potty training younger than 2-3?

We are planning on going to the park tomorrow if its not raining. I am thinking about making that our first trip out with no diaper and see what happens. If I do that I will let you know how it goes.

Snotty Nose

June 16, 2009

This has been on my mind since Sunday morning and I am just trying to understand why.  I went to the church nursery and was in line to drop Kaden off.  The parent in front of me then says to the nursery worker “my son has had a runny nose all week. Please keep an eye on it.” I am just trying to understand why parents would take their children to nursery with a runny nose or sick.  Is it just me?  Why would parents with sick children want to punish the parents with healthy children, and punish the healthy child themselves? Please tell me your thoughts on this. WHY???

Jumping Fish

June 16, 2009

Today my wonderful husband watched Kaden and Henry so I could have the afternoon off.  It was an amazing day! I got an iced coffee and went down to Little Pine Island Lake to sit and relax.  The weather was amazing.  I could have sat in the sun for hours. While I sat there and read about potty training I got to enjoy God’s amazing creation.  I saw several fish jumping in the water, a momma muskrat and her babies, a little spider crawling up my leg, and listened to several birds singing.  Its sad how little we actually stop to listen to birds just singing for hours.  I loved how when the momma muskrat saw me she ran back with the baby she had in her mouth to safety and then came back for the rest.  I loved watching how even animals protect their young.  I think every mom should get a few hours away like I did to just sit and enjoy life in a quiet form.